Menstruation or menses is the natural bodily process of releasing blood and associated matter from the uterus through the vagina as part of the menstrual cycle. Menstrual hygiene refers to management of hygiene associated with the menstrual process. Objective of research was To assess the knowledge scores regarding Menstrual hygiene among young adult girls, to evaluate the effectiveness of Structured Teaching programme on knowledge scores regarding Menstrual hygiene among young adult girls and to find out the association between pretest knowledge scores regarding Menstrual Hygiene and selected socio demographic variables. A quantitative research approach was employed for the research study. Study was undertaken among 45 samples selected by purposive sampling technique. The research design was one group pretest posttest design. Structured knowledge questionnaire was used for collecting data. The data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme in the subject was 15.22 and 18.71 respectively. The calculated paired ‘t’ value for the pretest and post. Test score is 12.541 with p value of 0.00001 and if was significant at 0.05 level (p<0.05). Hence this indicates that the Structured Teaching Programme was effective in improving the knowledge of Young adult girls in second semester B.Sc. Nursing students regarding Menstrual Hygiene (WASH).